
“Who’s going to believe a talking head? Get a job in a sideshow!”

Hey, so I decided to completely revamp this blog as it was created in 2017 and obviously, I’ve grown much since then, both in my tastes and writing style.

It’s with this that I’ve decided to focus this more on film and television, with obviously some queer flourishes.

So, with that, allow me to re-introduce myself — my name is Nikki, I’m a 23 year old Scottish lover of film, comics and television.

My tastes are varied, but I lean towards horror (especially giallo), old Hollywood, comic book movies and action films (particularly the James Bond movies). You can follow my Letterboxd below.

I have a cat called Cabbage, he’s very round.

a round orange man

What I plan to use this blog for is recommendations, essays, lists and send ups to underrated cinema. I plan on posting as often as possible, but you can also find me on the social media sites below.